Review of Shindig

Firefly: Shindig (2002)
Season 1, Episode 6
19 December 2006
I am a firefly fan. I have the series on DVD(TWICE), I have the movie on DVD. I have the books the t-shirt and the mug and the soundtrack. On a weekly basis I watch Firefly but for some unknown reason I did not watch the Shindig episode. Not sure why. Then I started to watch it and you know what? It is now my favourite episode. Why? It gives a further insight into the characters. The love between Zoe and Wash. Kaylee with her grease smudged face but all feminine underneath. The scene when Mal insults her over her fondness of a dress is particularly moving.The feelings Mal has for Inara and vice versa. But most of all the dialogue, there are some terrific lines in this episode just like all the other episodes but because there are no crash bang wallop scenes you tend to miss them. for instance Simon says "I sure the captain knows how to use a sword Zoe replies " I think he knows which end to hold". I could go on and on suffice to say give Shindig at least equal time with all the other episodes and you will see what I mean. Once again I am filled with sadness that this series was cancelled PLEASE CAN THERE BE A RETHINK!!!!
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