Review of Darkness

Darkness (2002)
Gets better the more times you watch it
16 December 2006
When I first saw this film, I was disgusted. This had to be the worst horror movie ever. But then I thought, maybe I just viewed it wrong. A couple of months later, I popped it into my DVD player again, and it got a little better, but it was still horrible. Now, a year later, I watched this film again (by the way I have the Unrated Version), and I realized this isn't that bad.

If there was a 6.5 on this website, I'd give it that, but since it didn't, I gave it a 6. Anyway, this film is loaded with tense moments and violence. By the way, I'm only talking about the Unrated Version, I haven't seen the PG-13 version yet.

The Unrated Version has more blood and more violence and more intensity and more disturbing images and more language than the PG-13 version did. I just know that for a fact. There was about F-words, a man literally drinks pills which causes a disgusting bloody scene that you couldn't see in theaters. Also, this version has extended scenes, but sadly it has no more sex/nudity.

This movie is supposed to make you scared of the dark, but it didn't really work. But, if your house has an ancient curse, it should work for you. But since I live in an un-cursed house, I wasn't scared a bit by this movie.

Frankly, this movie is hard to decide whether a person will like it or not, so just read the back of the DVD case. You decide. I couldn't tell you.

Original MPAA rating for the PG-13 version: PG-13: Disturbing Images, Intense Terror Sequences, Thematic Elements, and Language

Original MPAA rating for the Unrated Version: R: Terror/Violence and Language

My MPAA rating for the Unrated Version: R: Intense Sequences of Violence and Terror, Some Brief Disturbing Images of Blood, Frightening Images, Language, Drug Use, and Thematic Elements

My Canadian rating for the Unrated Version: 13+ and 14A: Violence, Frightening Scenes, Coarse Language
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