So-so comedy; Shepard and Arnett make a fine comedy team
12 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
LET'S GO TO PRISON (2006) ** Dax Shepard, Will Arnett, Chi McBride, David Koechner, Dylan Baker, Michael Shannon. So-so comedy about a petty criminal loser (Shepard) whose grudge against the judge who has sentenced him leads him into a revenge fueled plan enabling the judge's pompous ass son (Arnett) by getting him sent to jail and then getting himself imprisoned to make his life a living hell. High concept comedy hits most of its marks but the sub-situation comedy dialogue doesn't gel with director Bob Odenkirk (a well-respected comic actor in his big screen debut and co-stars his own self) and his skewed look of things that his comedy team more or less hits their marks given what they have to work with, which isn't much.
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