Review of 200

Stargate SG-1: 200 (2006)
Season 10, Episode 6
Well acted; Excellent Parodies but I felt the ending fell flat after all the fun.
12 December 2006
As ever, the crew that write Stargate SG-1 are on top form to poke fun at themselves and other related shows with gracious aplomb in their ever original way.

I thought it was a neat plot point to have Vala contribute her ideas. The casting for that had, for me, echo's of Trek's Next Gen episode where Worf cries: 'I am not a merry man!'

However, for all the interplay and fun throughout the story I was sorely disappointed and let down with the ending. To some extent I expected more and much better. On some level it may work and Peter DeLuise is so good at what he does but as far as I am concerned, on first watching, it missed the mark.

It was a suitable change of pace from the main story arc and again I stress for me, worked right up to the last ten minutes or so. If I've missed the point of it, please let me know as I only saw it once.
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