The Red Angel (1966)
Well-Made War/Drama/Exploit Film...
11 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From the Yasuzo Masumura director of such "classics" as MANJI, BLIND BEAST, and the HANZO THE RAZOR entry, THE SNARE, comes RED ANGEL - a deep and powerful film of love, sex, obsession, and addiction amongst a war-torn back-drop.

A young nurse is cycled between Army field-hospitals where she witnesses and experiences some pretty nasty scenes. From the general ugliness of the casualties of war, to her own bad experience of being raped by a patient - this nurse never forgets her duty, even if it means whacking off an armless amputee. She eventually falls for a morphine-addicted lead-surgeon, but this ends tragically as well...

A far more in-depth and powerful film than the typical pinku/exploit material of the time - RED ANGEL is erotic, sad, uplifting, and grotesque all at the same time. Though there's very little nudity (which was probably done purposely as a way to keep the film from being tagged as the typical pinku sleaze-fest) - RED ANGEL still comes across as an exploit film, regardless of it's loftier aspirations - though I'm not complaining about that either. A solidly made film - fans of Masumura's other films will probably wanna check this one out...8/10
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