Why don't people read any more?
11 December 2006
It was in school that I read Joseph Joffo's autobiographical novel for the first time and really loved it although I have never been very familiar with literature about WWII. A reason why I liked the book, though might be, that it was more about the experiences of the little boy Joseph than the political aspect of the topic.

When I then watched the film this novel has been made into, I really asked myself why authors allow some stupid filmmakers to destroy the work they have created. Most of the scenes I found to be very important and moving in the book were transformed or left out in the film.

Although I love films enormously I have to say that there is scarcely any adaption of a book I personally liked. If somebody does not know whether to spent his money on the DVD or the novel, go and buy the novel. No film can ever be as magical and great as a magical and great book, at least that is the way it has been until today.
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