Go Further (2003)
Good Old Woody... :)
7 December 2006
This movie was pretty good ... I have a few pointers for those who have not watched it yet. It's probably a good idea to keep children out of the room when watching this.. there are some scenes with drugs and nudity .. but the movie is overall very very funny... a little cheesy in parts tho. Watch out for the hippie song!. Especially if you are watching this in a classroom as I did. It's just so hard not to laugh.. because they are SUCH HIPPIES ! overall, this film had some very interesting points. it is definitely an eye-opener for those who just don't see nature in it's beauty, it's entirety. oh well .. all i can say is that I enjoyed this movie very much .. probably just because it has Woody in it.. and don't we all love woody ??
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