Desperate Housewives: The Miracle Song (2006)
Season 3, Episode 10
Wrong decision
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While I understand that the show is primarily a comedy and not realistic, I have to say it was a very bad decision to have Art turn out to be an actual pedophile after all. Firstly, it's not funny. Secondly, and much worse, it plays up to the American public's irrational, stupid fear that anybody they don't know is a murderer or some other monster. Leviathan-like, the U.S. media instills fear in the population on a regular basis, to keep tensions and mistrust alive, so the people won't organize and come up with good alternatives to the established order of things. Sadly, this is seen not just on the news but also in entertainment like this.

Having said that, I guess even this element is par for the course in a show where everybody without exception has dirty secrets. It's TV. It's not reality. And events and characters on a show like this should not be used to shape one's views about reality. And actually, there is a better alternative to this show, also sort of starring a desperate housewife: Weeds. You should watch that.
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