The Holiday (2006)
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Holiday has a good feeling about it. Based on the Christmas holidays, it isn't exactly about Christmas. The two girls have failed romances, Cameron gets a character with little moral substance, basically promiscuous. Kate on the other hand shows a bit more character.

Kate's relationship with Jack Black is greatly overshadowed by her 'love affair' with the fascinating older man next door (to her L.A. home exchange partner's house). Where Kate grows by reaching out to touch and enable the old man, Cameron discovers her impetuous 'I promise you'll never see me again' partner has children. And comes to terms with the fact that she never considered or made children a part of her life.

Jack Black has a problem part. His entanglement with Kate is low key, develops slowly, and it isn't clear why there is actually a connection other than the script wants to claim both girls find love. Played low key, this may be the best performance I have seen from Black. It is the part that seems almost after the fact and poorly thought out.

There are no great moments in this picture, no chase scenes (maybe Cameron running down the lane because the cab is too slow?). Kate and Jack both face selfish previous lovers, and the engaging old neighbor faces a fear of ridicule for growing old.

We do see a clear distinction between a remote English cottage and an L.A. mansion. And we learn there are wonderful people behind the hedge in both settings. I will be seeing this one again.
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