A crash course in suicide, where you're likely to die laughing
7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As black comedies go, there have been few better in the last few years than Shut Up and Shoot Me. With the slightest touch of the Coen brothers' Fargo, but mixed in with a British tweeness and Eastern European fatalism; this is an absolute gem of a film. Outstanding performances from both leads, Nyman and Roden, just add to the quality on show here. The opening gag, with the wife being flattened by a falling statue is inspired, but it's Nyman's reaction to her death that brings another level of humanity to what could have been just a nasty, and macabre 'one joke scenario'. Beautifully shot set pieces adorn the film, but without that great cast, even a story this dark (though often very sweet) would feel too overdone. First time director, Steen Agro, makes the most of his locations, his stars, and a very sharp and wicked story. As debuts go, this is one talent to watch for the future. I saw it during the Cardiff film festival and loved it...though at the time it had no distribution. Let's hope that particular oversight has now been rectified. Best black comedy of 2006, hands down!
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