On the Corner (2003)
Very well done!
5 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this film on APTN and I will say that I was very moved and intrigued. It was like a spitting image of how life on the streets are for 2 family members who try and make the best of an unfortunate reality. I found the film to be very well dramatized since all the roles were very convincing. What really moved me was when Angel's mother came down from Prince Rupert to try and get BOTH Angel and Randy off the streets of Vancouver and back home where they really belonged up in Prince Rupert. Now for her and for any loving mother to do what she did, that takes guts and A lot OF LOVE on her part. Tina Keeper proved that's what moms who really care for their kids will do, and I was really happy with her and her role.

I'm a huge fan of Alex Rice myself and not only because she's down right sexy. She along with all other Native actors and actresses prove over and over again that they really put all their hearts, minds and souls into what they do. They really do have a passion for acting and you can tell that they don't just do it for the money either. This not only applies for this film but any film in the past, present and future.

Well.... ANYWAYS...... that's my scoop on this one. I think this one really earned a well-deserved 9 out of 10 as well as being nominated and winning the Genie and other Canadian Film Awards.
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