An Okay B-Horror Film
2 December 2006
Everyone has an opinion. Certainly, there's a good reason that this movie didn't get nominated for an award. It's simply a B-horror flick complete with cheesy contrivances, and music that rather than setting the mood, told us what was going to happen. However, the movie has strong points such as: 1) Chuck Norris-As Matthew he's cool as ice, proving you don't have to hit someone to be intimidating-particularly if you're Chuck Norris.

2) The film while suffering from some predictability kept me watching by making me wonder, "What exactly is going on?" Yes, the Devil's working in the town, but what the heck is he doing? The movie revealed exactly what over the movie and kept the audience's attention.

3) The movie opted for weirdness. Movies can stumble into blasé or they can stumble into completely cheesy, but weird is a choice. The people of the town, the leader, and the peacock joke all made this like a Mexican border version of Fargo if you think about it long enough.

So is it the greatest movie of all time? No. Is it the worst? I'd suggest that people who say that need to expose themselves to "The Beast of Yucca Flats." "Bells of Innocence" is a B-movie with a positive message. For those of you expecting something else, to paraphrase the great Forest Gump, "The $5.50 DVD bin at Wal-Mart is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get."
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