Mustang Sally (2006)
A True Little Gem with a good story!
1 December 2006
Once in a while, a little movie is made at a low budget, that transcends most others. We've seen big budgeted movies that have a weak story but Mustang Sally tells a really captivating one and does it at a modest budget. Acting all around is believable. Nice locations, production value (a car racing a train) and it is well directed. I don't know who the director is but he/she did an excellent job. I'm a film student and know how hard it is to even get a film off the ground so this gives people like me hope. It CAN be done!! Of course talent has a lot to do with it. I saw Mustang Sally on my vacation in London, England with a bunch of friends. They all loved it. It has suspense, humor, it's sexy and let's not forget there's eye candy for all. The boys are really handsome and the girls are beautiful. If you want to watch a movie that you will enjoy on all levels, I recommend you see Mustang Sally.
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