Spider-Man (1967–1970)
Animation? What animation?
23 November 2006
When I was a very small boy in the 1970s I used to love this show. That is because I had no taste. I recently purchased the box set because of nostalgia and it is really off-putting how bad the material is. In each 20 minutes or so of the program there are perhaps forty-five seconds of original animation. The vast majority of the show is stock animation repeated over and over, and, in the later episodes, stills that are manipulated (spun around, zoomed in on, etc.) In the earlier episodes the backgrounds are at least colorful, but in later episodes they get dark and inexplicably expressionistic. And why do the episodes introduce only three characters: Peter Parker, J. Jonah Jameson, and Betty Brant? What about Flash Thompson? Aunt May? -- There are dozens of potential characters that should have been introduced.

Okay, now I have that out of my system...

The music score is pretty cool, and while the show has its flaws, it captures something of the swinging attitude that "Smilin' Stan Lee" and "Jazzy Johnny Romita" brought to the early Spider-Man comics. --> NOT MUCH, but something.

The "Spider Man and His Amazing Friends" show from the 80s is far superior, as are the cartoon shows from the 90s. It's too bad Marvel animation couldn't have come up with something of the quality and intelligence of the Batman Animated Series and its several spin- offs.
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