Nature Morte (2006)
Interesting, Spooky, Sexy
18 November 2006
I was fortunate enough to see this film recently and was excited to find a film that uses the classic style of movie direction in the like of Hitchcock (if updated and liberated)in that uses mood and suspense as if a character in the film. Although not a high budget film, it is a well made movie that carries a dark mood which sends chills down your spine while peaking your erotic interest.

In this day and age of special effects and ultra violence it is refreshing to see a movie that uses suggestion along with blood and gore. This is not to say there isn't a bit of blood spilled, but the effect is created mainly by the acting and not just special effects gore. What is very special about the movie is the way it transports the viewer to the dark side of sex. You get caught up in the characters' over the limit fetish and come away with a guilty feeling of enjoying watching it.

Special note to Carole Derrien's performance. Her alluring and erotic presence blends effectively with a dark and dangerous soul to draw you into her world even though you know it is fatal. All in all a very good film that not only makes you think, but reaches out and grabs you (and twists a bit for good measure).
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