Sexual Response (1992 TV Movie)
A plot and sex scenes too - who knew
18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very enjoyable. The sex scenes are so good, you can almost hear the buttons pop. Shannon Tweed (with red hair this time) plays a radio shrink named Eve, who is very good at giving others advice on their sex lives but not so good at working on her own sex life. She's married to an rich older man who's a bit of a jerk. He seems to care for her but also ignores her. In walks Edge, a grubby artist who Eve winds up having an affair with (and does she ever - those two do it on just about every stick of furniture at his place, her place and even outside). Eve enjoys being with Edge, but is concerned because Edge has an anger management problem. As it turns out Edge seduced Eve to get back at her husband who he has a grudge against (I won 't say why because that would give away the entire movie).
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