Review of Borat

Borat (2006)
U.S. hating liberals and world-inexperienced college kids will love it
12 November 2006
The movie is very insulting. In fact it's one great big insult to US Citizens made by a non-US Citizen. I wish I hadn't spent my money to see what the fuss was about, it's really not that funny. While I did laugh at some parts (the reaction of the naked men running in the hotel was a low-brow high point), most of it was somewhat banal. Most of the comedy is suppose to be derived out of Borat making Americans look like unfriendly new-yorkers or backwards southern hicks. U.S.-hating liberals and world-inexperienced college kids will love it. What I didn't understand was how many people in the audience were laughing at the jokes that had already been in the trailers. If you seen the trailer you've seen about 1/3 of the movie (it's very short at 84 minutes). Also, the movie also contains the same jokes that "Borat" has used in his several hundred interviews for the movie release. How many times you can hear "My sister is prostitute" and still find it funny, I'm not sure. Once was enough for me. In short, I think it's better retitled "Borat: Jew make fun of Goyim for Make Benefit of Wallet." Because, after all, the whole world is anti-semitic and every goy is out to get the Jew.

Edit: I dropped my rating to 1 after finding out the exploitation Cohen used against the villagers of Glod Romania (deeply impoverished, they were paid roughly $6 a day and told it was for a real documentary. Cohen slept in a resort each night, then came to work during the day putting sex toys on the stumps of amputees and put animals in their homes to make fun of them). Also how he duped other people in the U.S., where there have been consistent tales of how he and the producers lied and manipulated the folks who appeared in the film, who have had massive negative repercussions on their lives as a result.
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