Review of The New World

Vanished: The New World (2006)
Season 1, Episode 9
Vanished: The New World has some intriguing twists for series
11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Before I recount this week's plot, I'd like to mention that Kelton's assailant and Sara's almost killer were the same person: Eddie Morrell. Okay, we begin with Senator Collins watching himself on TV announcing his intent to confirm Sara's kidnappers' judge on the Supreme Court. When Collins calls the judge, daughter Marcy listens on another line. It's not a pleasant conversation. Lin Mei and Lucas investigate a lab where Morrell's men are digitalizing an ancient document written in Hebrew. After Lucas gets in with Morrell's card, he is exposed so he calls Lin Mei for backup as the Morrell team wipe the document's trace but Lucas and Lin Mei have copies. A female scientist mentions a missing document that is traced to a theologian who is in prison for killing his wife and kids. In Washington, Marcy confronts the judge and threatens to expose her baby with him if he doesn't withdraw his nomination. Meanwhile, Sara is getting brainwashed as her kidnappers try to break her. As she sits alone in her cell she hears another voice behind a wall...Well, this seems to be a more action-packed episode and what does this document, which is the Dead Sea Scrolls, have to do with Sara's kidnapping? And is the baby really the judge's? And finally, will Sara break after being shown news clippings of her husband's ex-wife Jessica moving back with him? Still intrigued and hope Fox allows the last four episodes to run no matter the ratings. Oh, and I loved Graham's ex-wife stopping by the office with their daughter and Daniel greeting them. Until next time...
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