A dark horizon for dear Earth indeed
7 November 2006
Even though I have nothing to do with the United States, I was kind of devastated when Al Gore, in spite of getting more votes, lost the US presidency back in 2000 to that W fellow, especially because the former VP was well known for his concern over the environment. We all sure needed that kind of man in the White House... Our good old Earth is obviously heading towards disaster unless people wise up, that has become clearer and clearer throughout the years. I used to say to my kids and to my students that the world THEIR children will live in will be a much more troubled one than it is today in terms of environmental issues. Now I'm not so sure, maybe we won't have to wait that long, maybe 'irreversibility' is a word that will apply to too many growing problems even in my lifetime (I am 42): for instance, some even say that it is already too late to stop and reverse the sea rise. Maybe. What is worse is that much of the older population can't or won't be 'educated' anyway, so this documentary should be shown in classrooms all over the world, in every school, in every college. Congratulations, Mr Gore, for this 'climate crisis bible' called "An Inconvenient Truth". In some ways you are (still) our global hero.
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