Polo Marco
7 November 2006
YOur sacred earth Movie Redford rock of lighthearted dumb is quite a movie in which someone is suppose to totally care about earth and give there life for it. YOu made the movie so you should give your life for the planet. Any of those movies that show someone giving there life for the sacredness of earth are the ones needed to give there lives for earth. Not the Grimm Reeper ever. Your education is messing with your brain cells... Feel a plot thicken better than most people can shake a stick at. Not to many people can hold on when they see the Grimm reaper roaming the streets someone will try to take action as they have already done. Grow more trees to help keep those just as sacred as earth since they do belong on earth flourishing daily. Repeating a sentence again online. Look to those others who willing put themselves in those roles. Not someone who has not. The lurking light behind me means that is the end and the sacredness of the sun Dominates the universe. Check your local listings for helpful sacred earth saving concepts i've displayed them back to you all as you have displayed them to me and the rest of the population...:-)
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