Review of Night Slaves

Night Slaves (1970 TV Movie)
Obscure but Fairly Good TV Movie
6 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Night Slaves" is a pretty obvious remake of "It Came from Outer Space" but on its own terms, it's a good film. The movie starts out with James Franciscus cracking up his car and ending up with a metal plate in his head. He and wife Lee Grant decide to recover by vacationing in a small California town. While there, Francsicus discovers that the entire town (except him) is mysteriously disappearing every night and returning before the sun rises.

Franciscus finally finds out that an alien spacecraft has crashed nearby, the population has been hypnotized into repairing the ship, and the chief alien has cleverly disguised himself as the local dimwit. Franciscus is immune from the alien's powers because of his metal plate.

Franciscus then gets the hots for one of the aliens (played by Tisha Sterling), and wants to leave with her. Why he would want to leave faithful wife Lee Grant isn't really explained. The ending of the movie is truly offbeat.

Franciscus and Grant are very good, while a pre-"Airplane!" Leslie Nielsen stars in a serious role as the local sheriff. This mystery/sci-fi film is well worth watching if you can locate it.
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