Fireback (1983)
Not one of Richard Harrison's better films...
3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Fellow fans of the numerous Godfrey Ho/Joseph Lai cut & splice ninja outings from the 1980's will no doubt initially delight to know that this is an early chance to see actor Richard Harrion in full ninja togs (at least in the final scenes of the film) - indeed such attire and the films in which he later wore it would subsequently earn Harrison a modest cult following!

Unfortunately, it has to be said that the film reviewed here is sadly not nearly as much fun as any of the aforementioned ninja produce to spring forth from the IFD stables.

Here Harrison plays Jack Kaplan, a weapons expert who is liberated from a Vietnamese prison camp only to return home to find that his wife has been abducted. The rest of the film has our hero searching for his lost love, which usually involves him beating the hell out of various sleaze bags who may or may not hold any relevant information as to her whereabouts. In addition, every now and then a hit-man is dispatched to bump our hero off....all failing miserably obviously!

With bodies mounting up by the truck load, the police are also eager to apprehend our hero who they believe to be possibly psychologically unhinged (yikes!) Matters eventually reach a climax when Jack infiltrates the mansion of the miscreant who had his wife kidnapped and proceeds to deal out some well deserved and violent DIY justice!

Lousily acted, poorly dubbed, shoddily made and generally boring throughout, this has very little to recommend it other than the presence of a number of notable B-movie stars including Mike Monty, Jim Gaines, future fellow Godfrey Ho/Joseph Lai victim and ninja movie regular Bruce Baron and of course Harrison himself.

Having said this, I did quite enjoy the ending though, for in addition to giving Baron's character his just desserts, we are informed (via some writing superimposed over the final freeze frame shot) of the subsequent fate of our hero who apparently went on to serve time in the state penitentiary for his vigilante shenanigans before finally expiring due to heart complications(!!!)

Hmmm....more films should employ this post finale information approach!
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