The Love Bug (1997 TV Movie)
3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Witness the Resurrection"-Alien:Resurrection (1997)

"Herbie's back in a Brand new movie!"-The Love Bug (1997)

The tag lines of the worst movies of '97...with the same meaning.

The first thing what I want to say, I am A REALLY BIG FAN of Herbie 'cause I was grow up on his films, I loved the jokes the tricks, the music and the characters-even the evil ones-and I'll love the "Herbie Movies" as long as I live.

But NOT THIS waste of celluloid. This movie is stupid, pesky, and bad as "Alien:Resurrection".

Why? Because the story is VERY stupid, the characters are simply idiots-professor Stumpfel(?!)-and the theme music is pesky, just like in "Alien:Resurrection".

And the worst thing in the whole movie: Horace, The Evil Twin of Herbie. Laughably Stupid. Just like the "Newborn-Alien" in "Alien:Resurrection".

And, the genesis of Herbie. Stupid! I mean who's idea was , Herbie was build by a German SCIENTIST, AND HE HAS GOT HIS "SOUL" FROM THE PHOTOGRAPH OF STUMPFEL'S GIRLFRIEND, WHAT FALLED INTO THE MELTING-POT?! BAD! And of course they've needed to build-again Herbie, It's the synonym of cloning Ripley, ain't? And the music, the music, the music, where is the good old "Herbie Theme" by George Bruns? Now We get only a corny, pesky, SILLY, BAD music. And where are the good old characters like Tennessee Steinmetz(Buddy Hackett) or Wheely Applegate(Don Knotts) or anybody from the original stuff?


So, if you are a Herbie-fan,or you just like Herbie movies, watch the old ones.

1/10- STUPID plot; BAD music; BAD characters.
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