Uninspired oddity is better left forgotten...
1 November 2006
It's not that ALAN YOUNG and DINAH SHORE don't try to bring some life to a lifeless, uninspired script co-authored by Claude Binyon, who directed this mess. Considering what they have to work with, they sometimes rise to the occasion and produce a few chuckles. And as the villains of the piece, ROBERT MERRILL and ADELE JERGENS contribute somewhat to what few laughs there are.

Shore is a country bumpkin lass who longs for the big city and is taken in by on-the-lam gangsters (Merrill and Jergens) who are really after the $20,000 worth of savings. Young is the equally country hick neighbor enamored by Shore and willing to go to the extreme to extricate her from the clutches of the villains.

It has a L'IL ABNER flavor to the sets and costumes but the score is rather commonplace and no help in bringing any entertainment value to the ponderous farce.

It's films like this that probably put a hex on DINAH SHORE's stab at a film career. Wisely, she was content to enjoy her TV stardom.
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