Review of The Knife

The Knife (1999)
Utter Rubish
24 October 2006
Am I the only one who thinks this movie is as awful as they get? The actors should hang their heads in shame...Bojana Maljevic and Vojin Cetkovic in particular... Milica was born in Sarajevo,why is she speaking with Belgrade accent. Ljubo is Montenegrian,so why is he speaking with (?-whatever that accent is) Nobody in this movie mastered even the rudimentary points of pronunciation let alone any form of acting. Well,Petar Bozovic wasn't that bad....that's about it. What's the story with the ending? Did anyone involved in this movie even read the book NOZ? If you are interested in Draskovic and his views on ex-Yugoslavia conflicts read his books,don't watch this movie.
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