Possibly The Most Ambitious Porn Film Ever...
19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Those looking to THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS for spank-material are probably going to be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely some hardcore sex-scenes in the film, but they really aren't the focus, and the film could have probably stood on it's own without them. Surprisingly well-made and well-acted, this one is for sleaze fans that might appreciate a little "art" mixed in with their smut...

A young lady is distraught after the death of her father. To cope with the loss, she diddles herself in front of a mirror in her attic. During one such session, her father (played quite well by Jamie Gillis, who incidentally will always be most applauded by me for his role as Burt, the Enema Bandit in WATER POWER...) appears in the mirror, but then turns into a demon and fondles his daughter in some extreme close-up fashion. Several encounters with the mirror show that it is some sort of portal to other realities, and during one such masturbatory dimension-travel, the poor heroine gets stuck in a hell of sexual perversion, never to escape again. The last scene finds her young daughter discovering the mirror - an allusion to the fact that she will be doomed to walk her mother's same footsteps...

Not much that I can really say negatively about THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. The production value is pretty high for a smut film, the acting and storyline are strong for this sort of thing. Gillis is stand out as usual, and so is the female lead. The score really enhances the atmosphere of the film and there is a genuine creepiness about the production that I found quite commendable. Again, I feel that this one could have stood out as a pretty effective low-budget 70s horror film if the porn sequences were removed. About the porn: A few hardcore scenes including what must have been one of the first internal gyno-cam style shots to be used in porn, a brother/sister blowjob, an interesting ALICE IN WONDERLAND-style sexual feast, and the ending Hell scene featuring a number of strange fetishes are a few of the things to keep an eye out for. Overall, a very solid and unique film that will be of interest to fans of other such "thinking-man's filth" such as THE DEVIL IN MISS JONES...9/10
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