Alguna pregunta més?
17 October 2006
Alguna pregunta més is a great TV program. The meaning of the title is more or less "Any more questions?". What they do is take pronunciation mistakes, funny moments in TV and also difficult situations and mount all this in order to create brilliant jokes and misunderstandings which make you laugh a lot. This is not the kind of simple zapping program with a bunch of funny images, it is the combination of all of these images and the way they order it and the comments they do that make this TV show a really cool one. Also one of the basic things about the program it is the presenter who really has a nerve, in one of the sections of this show he gets in the street (most of the times all dressed up in outrageous costumes)ans asks weird questions to the people and depending on their answers he turns their complete meaning and makes confuse the people, but always in a nice and pleasant way.
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