Surprisingly good erotic vampire film
13 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood" is one of the better erotic vampire films out there.


Awakening from a hundred-year old slumber, Count Dracula, (Tony Clay) finds himself in California, and sends servants Martine, (Eyana Barsky) and Renfield, (Del Howison) to bring back Vampire Lord Ruthven, (Arthur Roberts) and starts to adjust to life in the 20th Century. Upon learning of a curse placed on him that renders him unable to drink blood, Lord Ruthven reluctantly revives sister Diana, (Glori-Anne Gilbert) so that he can drink blood again. Seducing her way through the LA nightlife, eventually getting stronger and stronger with each kill. Discovering that past love Roxanne, (Kennedy Johnston) is alive, both begin mad pursuit to reclaim her love.

The Good News: A rather decent entry in the erotic vampire sub-genre, this one at least does what's expected of that genre quite well. The women are all pretty well-endowed, making their frequent disrobing a pleasant sight to see. It's really hard to pick out who comes out best in this, as nearly every woman in the cast joins in at least one such scene, with several being in a couple each. The best part is that none really seems out of place at all, and instead of being inserted for the purpose of getting as much nudity as was humanly possible out of the plot, these never seemed heavy handed at all. It was nice to see that they didn't just throw them in randomly. That means that it's heavy on the eroticism, and is a rare rarity that a film is able to achieve that without being cheesy or corny. The fact that it actually has a plot to speak of does wonders for it as well, and it makes for a long stretch of time in the first half where we actually get exposition instead of a repeated series of random erotica rather than set-up a device that can pay-off in that area later. This also keeps the vampiric element in the front, rather than it just being a side-plot that does nothing for what the film will be about. This is actually surprising and makes it a little better than the average film in this genre.

The Bad News: There really isn't a lot to dislike here, other than the fact that the horror elements, other than the fact that the leads are vampires, does this come anywhere close to being considered scary. It plays around with skulls and blood and even features a cameo role from horror great Paul Naschy, but there's nothing remotely scary about this is. There's a little bit of suspension of disbelief that's hard to get over and it sticks out as very obvious, but these are clearly minor issues aside. This wasn't all that bad of a film.

The Final Verdict: Naturally, if looked at as an erotic film starring vampires, this does have some redeeming qualities to it that places it at the very front of the pack in this particular sub-genre. If this appeals to you in any way shape or form, then give it a go, but if you prefer the dark, brooding vampires, then exercise caution. Naturally, prudes need not apply at all.

Rated UR/NC-17: Frequent full Nudity, frequent Sex scenes and erotic themes, Language and Mild Violence
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