Fairly good, if very predictable, Little Audrey short
15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This short is actually a fairly good cartoon, with some very nice animation, although it's fairly obvious at times just what's going to happen. I want to discuss a few details, so this is a minor spoiler alert:

Little Audrey is discovered reading by moonlight when she should be sleeping. She gets admonished that this will bring bad dreams if she continues, which she scoffs at. Gee, what do you think happens next? If you guessed, "She takes a trip to Alcapulco", go turn in your deer-stalker hat. If you guessed "She has a bad dream", you get an A! Her dream misses the last boat to Dreamland, so Little Audrey cheerfully offers to help him get back home. As a reward, she gets a tour of the place. She is admonishes not to open the black door. So what is the one thing she repeatedly tries to do? You guessed it-she tries to open the black door and eventually succeeds. This is not a good thing to succeed in doing.

The gags and animation in this particular section are generally very good-the tour of Dreamland is the best part of the short. There is some material in this short that is probably not acceptable for some audiences, so screen this for your children first, if you happen to find a copy. The ending is cute, if also predictable.

This short shows up on various inexpensive video cassettes and DVDs, so you should be able to find this without too much difficulty. Recommended.
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