Review of Gerry

Gerry (2002)
plot update
15 October 2006
I didn't think they would be stupid enough to not bring water as I read the plot on this site. They start with what looks like cans or bottles of drink and they get lost.

At about 10mins into the movie Damon (I cant use Gerry as both characters are the same) says they're halfway there. It must be a short tourist trail as the meet a mom and her kids.

They decide to take a route which they think will make the hike worth it then find themselves without food or water.

They had only planned on maybe a 1 or 2 hour hike so hadn't brought more than a can of drink.

Thought that would make a bit more sense.

After this they try to survive in the heat and with each other.

Without Matt Damon I wouldn't have even thought about watching.

The movie shows the feeling of loneliness in a bleak landscape. The amount of dialogue is almost non-existent, I was fast forwarding through 90% of the movie where the desert is shown.
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