Terrorstorm (2006 Video)
Paranoid illusions
14 October 2006
Alex Jones is an amateur filmmaker, who makes poor conspiracy theories straight for the Internet, in his spare time. I thought he had his lowest point in his "film"-making with his last film - but I was wrong, this film is far worse (it is so poorly made).

This movie would actually be fun to watch, if you didn't know that there are actually people that believe in them - blindly. Though most of these people are uneducated, they still have a voice, which can spread more lies. Cant believe that people believe in these documentaries, when Alex Jones actually thinks and says things like: American Gulag - Concentration Camps in America, Pentagon hides evidence of alien life, Were 'Pod Missiles' Used in the World Trade Center Attack? , The Tsunamies are made by CIA with bombs (Tsunami Bomb Developed As Far Back As 1944), Olympic Symbols Have Sinister Origins, Airline Insanity Merely A Beta Test For Police State Caste System, Jacques Cousteau wanted to kill 80% of us, The secret rulers of the world can live forever and that the secret shadow government also was responsible for the Madrid-bombs. Alex Jones believe in this, and so does his cult-followers (I.E. the people that gave this fictional-movie "10"). All these claims can be viewed at Alex Jones website. According to Jones the Madrid-bombings where planned by the government, not extreme islamists. Though that thought at first sounds retarded, he does argue for it in a very arrogant and therefore a little convincing way. But if you believe that, you of course have to ignore all the technical evidence, all the martyr-videos, that there then must have been involved thousands of Spanish people, who had no problem with killing country men, and not telling about it, that most Islamists believe islamists did it, most Europeans also does, that 99 % of all educated people do, that it actually was Arabs. But then again Alex Jones does have a big merchandise-website: infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/videos.html ($ for Jones).

Also these conspiracy theorists (CT's) willfully ignore that this terror-attack at first was blamed at ETA (i doubt you CT's know what it is), if they had planned it, would they not have blamed it on Arabs at first? The answer is yes. There more elaborate these conspiracy theories get, the more they fall apart. Plus the right-wing Spanish government fell because of this attack, and because they wanted to blame it on the ETA and not Al-Quada. And Spain withdrew from Iraq because of this Terror-Attack - explain that CT's? The new Spanish government withdrew from Iraq and so on, because the old one was to Bush-friendly etc.

Alex Jones thinks that he has discovered the truth by staying in his basement and using the internet. He thinks that he can examine this Terrorcase better than the countless of educated Spanish police-officers and government officials on the scene of the crime. Such arrogance, and still people believe him.

The problem is that CT's want USA to have done it - even if they have to lie to make it so. They want to keep they prejudges that Arabs are stupid and harmless, and Americans Evil, clever and devious. I've known many Arabs, they are capable of doing as much as any, as can all the people in the world.

If the secret American shadow government have planned all bad things/terror attacks in world, including the Plaque in the middle-ages, would that not say that they control everything??? Then why did they not plant 19 Iraqies, North Koreans, Iranians or Afghans in the planes 9/11, instead of 19 Saudis, to better justify the war on terror?? Would they not have manufactured WMD's and planted them in Iraq, for justifying the war on Iraq, if they are so powerful, evil and devious??

Im just glad that only 2 or 3 people like this movie. Look at the comments: there are about 3 -4 positive comments on this movie, all submitted around the same date 21 - 22 September (plus 3 around the 13th October)...... 4 comments, come on: it is the same guy, with a lot of second accounts, because they haven't commented anything else: pathetic, just as this movie.
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