Review of Sévigné

Sévigné (2004)
A subtle, nuanced movie
8 October 2006
Sévigné (2004) was written and directed by Marta Balletbò-Coll, who also co-stars in the film.

Anna Azcona plays Júlia Berkowitz, a Renaissance woman who is a both a fine actor and stage director. However, she gave up acting when her young daughter was killed in an automobile accident. She needs a new play to direct; a play that will be both an artistic and financial success.

Enter Marina Ferrer-Amat, who works in TV but who has written a fascinating stage play. (Marina is played by Marta Balletbò-Coll herself. How someone can write a script, and then direct it and star in it is beyond my comprehension!)

The remainder of the movie is primarily devoted to the relationship between these two women as they become closer professionally and emotionally. There are several subplots, but these serve primarily to move the action forward. The real story is the complex and intricate interaction between the two leads, both of whom are portrayed brilliantly by Azcona and Balletbò-Coll.

This film is subtle and nuanced. It's clearly worth seeking out-- probably not an easy task. (The movie was brought to Rochester by ImageOut, the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. I don't know if it will be available commercially.)

Finally, when we saw the film, at least 90% of the audience was lesbian couples. It's no surprise that lesbians would support the ImageOut festival. However, I asked myself, Where are the heterosexuals? A film of this quality deserves to be seen by everyone. I was disappointed that more people didn't take advantage of the opportunity to attend a showing of such an outstanding film.
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