Review of Supernova

Supernova (2005 TV Movie)
I give it cult movie status on account of making it to Hallmark
7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad I could not resist going on the Internet to find out what others had to say. The whole thing seems to have been shot in and around Cape Town, and if you watch the credits, you can see that it was mostly a South African production. Their assumption that the rest of the world is maybe as dumb as the film makers regarding the topography of the Maldives (what we saw was False Bay, Cape Provence)and other places is disproved by the posts here.

All along I thought there were three "locations", Washington, Sydney and somewhere in South Africa. The prison guard scenes were unmistakably South Africa, as were the African Nanny scenes - I could not quite figure out how our hero (who appeared to be in Australia)ended up in South Africa whilst driving a truck, or how our heroine intended getting back to St Louis in the same truck. And why was our professor, who was apparently sitting in Siding Springs Observatory NSW waiting for evacuation orders from Washington? The accents, uniforms, geography, minor details, plot, science was all so bad it was actually funny. I wonder did the South African Government give a grant for this film? I smell government involvement here - no commercial production would ever have survived the first cut.
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