Review of Borat

Borat (2006)
The outrageously funny Method Acting ever reigned on screen.
3 October 2006
Sacha Baron Cohen went everywhere with his ,somewhat,split personality character,BORAT.He has promoted his film by staying within the character.He has been applying method acting to its most extreme.And I can't think of any other actor,if I can recall any,who could play Borat with this kind of genuine hilarity.Welcome a new kind of Comic King,one that is more winier and Divine than Jim Carrey.

I can't remember a single moment in my life when I laughed this hard.It's perhaps my first time that I laughed out really hard and loud in a public place,that is in the theater.I couldn't help it.It was unbelievable.Every scene,every joke,every gag just threw me laughing until I heard a crack in my ribs.And believe me ,if you will,I guarantee you with everything that you will laugh your hardest.You have my word.You won't laugh any harder or louder anywhere.No movie, I can make sure of that, will make you laugh this insanely hard. My head was hurting once I stopped laughing,and my cheeks gave me severe pain. But mind you,this is the most offensive and racist comedy too.Its remarks and its suggestive content is gonna make at least someone in the crowd angry.

The TV Reporter of Kazakhstan,BORAT introduces his country and all the great stuff you can do in his country.He shows you his hometown around.You can play ping pong,disco,have sex,curse,offend,sun-bathe,and all that,while introducing the #2 or 3 or 4 prostitute in all of Kazakhstan,who happens to be his sister.He is then assigned to go to the country he loves, US&A,to discover the cultural and social world of the "Best Country in the World".He gets his documentary crew and heads to the States,and then begins his wild,insane,and silly encounters with the natives and their world,as a cultural Learnings for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.But instead of doing what he was suppose to do,he goes off searching for Pamela Anderson and to propose to her so that he could take her back to his glorious country.

It's a merciless,shameless comedy.And I think this is something more original than anything I've seen in the last passing years.A comedy at 80 minutes plus,with every single minute worth a laugh.I say save all your money for this graphically offensive,explicit and the most insanely wild laugh riot.Because you may have go back and watch it again and again until you give up laughing.I've already planned to watch it again once it's officially released.And boy,what moolahs it will make.It's a phenomenon of a new kind.And you thought JACKASS was funny?Forget that,here's something that will not only come to you as a racist film but as a film that you won't find anywhere else,cuz no film will make you laugh this hard and be as daring and original as this. I think I'm going crazy.I've gotta go watch it again and I can't wait for it to release.Any more free screenings or festivals and I'm there if it's showing.

The Dialogues are ingenious and utterly laugh out loud hilarious.It's phenomenal work.I loved the script.It's main purpose is to make you laugh like you've never laughed in your entire life watching a film.It's a miracle of a comedy.

Cohen is ,I don't know,unbelievable?I see of no reason why he should be overlooked at the next year's Academy Awards.If not that,he will surely win the MTV awards for the sake of the audiences.Whatever's gonna happen to this film at the box office,one thing is for sure,it will break a bone or two after it ends.I know I broke a few while laughing my butt off.Truly original comedy with method acting at its best.

So,please for the sake of Borat,look/see his movie-film or else he'll be execute by his government.
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