Another Useless Slanted Armchair Quarterback Documentary
2 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is another useless, slanted, armchair quarterback, hit piece on the bombing of Japan with two nuclear weapons in 1945.I tried to watch this movie with an open mind on the Sundance channel earlier today.The more I watched it,the more I thought,where have I heard all of this before?I was under the impression that this was a piece designed for high school students, and maybe university students, on the exploits of the horrible American government,and Harry Truman,and how could they do this to the Japanese people.This movie did not address all of the facts about Japan's activities in World War II.The filmmakers only addressed that America is an evil entity, that dropped two nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities,nothing else.War is not pretty for anyone,and the filmmakers are either extremely naive,or being disingenuous to the audience that they want to supposedly educate.The last straw came when they showed President Harry Truman and what he said at the time, and then guess who came next;President George Herbert Walker Bush.As far as I know President George H. W. Bush was not involved in world war II, and the decision to end the war with Japan by using nuclear weapons.As I see it,when you make a film about history,you should present all sides,not only the slanted, uneducated side of liberal hand wringers who have no sense of history, or solutions.
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