Mildly funny good-natured light comedy
1 October 2006
It begins with a motley of vacationers on a bus headed for a week long vacation at a seaside resort. It is a wide assortment of characters: a single, moderately famous singer; a nerdy, onanistic man; a couple of old ladies reaching senility; a couple of young gals looking for an amorous adventure; a family with a boy unsure about where he fits sexually; a beautiful woman that, besides working as a trip guide, has pretensions of being a music composer; a couple of gay men; and another family where the parents are stuck in a sexual ice age while their twentyish daughter is looking to connect with a man. Since they share the same resort hotel, their lives are constantly intersecting. Some of the humor arises from those intersections, but the comedy relies even more on sexual issues: encounters that fail, shifting partners, erotic confusions, a hilarious bit about condoms, etc. This is not a laugh aloud comedy, but the humor is clever at times. It is an enjoyable light comedy.
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