The X-Files: Never Again (1997)
Season 4, Episode 13
Fascinating Insight
2 October 2006
One of my favorite episodes because of the way it draws from the often-neglected dark core of the show (yes, many of the story lines are "dark", but I'm talking about the flawed and deep humanity of the characters) - Scully and Mulder's relationship is not all roses, there are deep problems and resentments that must have fostered over the past few years. Sure, it bothers Scully when Mulder ditches her and Mulder hates it when she immediately dismisses his theories, but one would think that over the years, it would cause some type of underlying problem or influence the evolution of their relationship somehow.

Morgan and Wong have a definite gift for writing character development, providing glimpses of our heroes' souls. An exposition of their relationship was sorely needed, whether it be good or bad - a departure from a glossed over hand-hold or icy comment. Mulder's deeply human self-involvement was magnified by the situation but also realized - something I think people have been waiting for - redemption for ditching Scully so much and for generally being inconsiderate (not necessarily a cause for dislike of the character, though). Too bad there weren't more episodes like this!
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