Loved this movie!
27 September 2006
I lived in Tyler, Texas, when this movie was filmed in nearby San Augustine and there was a "Premiere" in Tyler when it was released. I saw it during its run in Tyler and LOVED IT. I loved the story, the actors (some very WELL KNOWN actors!), the scenery -- everything. I think the writer/main character was a college professor in the Dallas area and the producers/backers were some businessmen in the Dallas area (according to our newspaper). I never understood why it was not released for sale or rental because there are many small town/independent/small budget movies that were. (Also could not understand why Ned Beatty and Barbara Barrie weren't listing the film in their "filmography".) I searched for this movie for years and have seen several comments on message boards from others like me. I thought sure it would end up on one of the movie channels on television. If anyone involved in making this movie has a copy and can get legal permission to make a copy for me....even if it has to have "preview" or "not for sale" running along the bottom of the film....I will be the first in line for the copy.
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