The War Tapes (2006)
About As Real As You'll Get.
25 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have an open mind.........but

I gave this a 5 because I don't think this sort of stuff needs to be viewed by the world, fair enough keep it for the soldiers who were there..but no doubt kids will end up seeing this. It will also create more hatred in general, towards the west.

However, I thought this was well put together and gives you a real sense of being there, especially if you plug in your 5.1 and blast that sub woofer ! Some parts are very disturbing (be warned) Watch any other war flick, you know the guys aren't really getting killed..this made some scenes hard to take, together with not-needed comments from the soldiers made me slightly angry.

War is bad enough without some of the bull-S**t chat !

All in all, exciting stuff, but I just felt it was a bunch of American soldiers showing off what they had done, personally I don't think it's a topic to brag about.

A Big NO to war is my opinion, this film just is pretty pro war !
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