A reasonable way to spend 2 hours of a lazy Sunday afternoon
24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can i say, the movie was a roller-coaster of pain, stupidity, nudity, and pure craziness. If you like the series, you'll like the movie. Very eye watering stunts such as punching a staple through a tongue, hanging a kettle from a penis ring, eating fat removed from a stomach, being hit by 103 paint balls at close range with no protective clothing, super gluing nostrils together, kissing lady boys (not knowing), chopping off a finger tip, being beaten up by sadistic Japanese wrestlers, etc and oh yeah....lots of eating disgusting things and throwing up. If you still sound interested then you'll probably love it. My view is some of the stunts were slightly over the top (but i guess thats what they're famous for), however I quite enjoyed the bulk of it, and found it quite funny at times. I was caught between give 6/10 and 7/10 but I think 7/10 makes it sound a quality movie, and it wasn't quite that.
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