Full length concert from San Francisco
23 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD of this performance in San Francisco came free of charge with his album 'Want Two'. The film contains over twenty songs ranging from early releases to songs from his latest album. It also contains some previously unreleased songs, including the excellent 'Liberty Cabbage' and 'As In Happy'. Footage of the concert is also interspersed by short interviews with Rufus as he walks around San Francisco. The concert itself is all one would want from Rufus, who entertains not only with his songs but with anecdotes and jokes. A thoroughly enjoyable concert featuring Rufus with full band, including his sister Martha and Joan Wasser. Particular highlights are the songs 'Go or Go Ahead', 'Matinee Idol' and the previously mentioned 'Liberty Cabbage' and 'As in Happy'. My only problem was that the song '11.11' was cut at the end of the closing credits.
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