Good Movie - Go With 'Trollenberg Terror', ,Ditch the 'Crawling Eye' title..
23 September 2006
This is a pretty good movie. I think the name 'Crawling Eye' makes it sound like a cheesy flick. 'Trollenberg Terror' is a more sophisticated title and more worthy of this film's good effort. Well suited for evening, late night or Saturday matinée viewing. Well thought out with little or no special effects, except for the 'Eye'. Stock footage fits in well and affords nice continuity and great mountain shots. Jane Monro is convincing as the psychic, and it doesn't hurt that she's pretty. The cable cars are ridiculously flimsy. Don't think I would risk a ride. The plot is well developed, the actors perform well and the pace is even. I saw this movie many years ago and the only thing I remembered was the laughable 'Eye' or should I say 'Eyes'. This movie came as one of the offerings in a DVD collection and now that I watched it again, I really liked it, even with the poor eye. A great teen date flick.
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