Review of Shakma

Shakma (1990)
A killer baboon with a bad attitude.
23 September 2006
Where is the love for Shakma? This is an entertaining, mindless cheesy Horror flick that came in the decline of a genre.

The movie is about a killer baboon. How could someone not like it? It's cheesy as hell and unintentionally funny but still it delivers expectations. I'm glad I rented this on VHS because I had a great moment. I laughed, cringed, and applauded for Shakma! The lead characters had great chemistry between each other. Wyss on her hottest form, Atkins, and the always fantastic Roddy McDowall were great on their roles. But keep in mind that Shakma is the real star of the movie. Our killer baboon made the entire movie watchable.

Rent this not so bad piece of 80's Horror trash and have a good time. Remember to keep your brain out of this. You won't need it.
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