Commercial masterpiece in documentary film-making
18 September 2006
Against a backdrop of extraordinarily beautiful and vivid images, this stunning Mark Verkerk film tells the story of a Buddhist monk and the work he does with poor children in the desolate and dangerous Golden Triangle region of Thailand. The monk and a devoted nun take these young children under their wings and teach them everything from how to wash themselves and brush their teeth, to how to ride and take care of a horse. However, what makes this film as unique as it is is that this monk has an edge...

He's a former Thai box champion. And has a sense of humor to boot. He's clearly seen and experienced life in all its complexities. This tends to make him very human and accessible. Which is also evident during the journeys he and the novices make from village to village, where the locals can do with some positive influences. Beyond all else, the straightforward and tough love with which the monk treats these boys has clearly reaped its rewards. And is a joy for the viewer to behold.
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