The Tony Danza Show (2004–2006)
Mr. Danza, we'll all miss your show
16 September 2006
I agree 100% with Janine Hella's comment. In a daytime climate filled with unfunny, repulsive, and sometimes sick shows like "Jerry Springer" and "Maury Povich," "The Tony Danza Show" was definitely a welcome breath of fresh air.

I pretty much happened upon Danza's show after looking through the website after checking out Regis and Kelly's contest page last year (Disney also produced Danza's show). So, I thought I'd enter Danza's "Extrava-Danza" contest while I was at it, and I began taping his show while I was at work every weekday and watched it when I came home.

Sending more entries for Danza's contest certainly paid off - on Wednesday, May 24, I was the third-to-last contestant in the "Extrava-Danza" contest. My category was "The Little Rascals;" I answered the question correctly and won that day's prize (most of which I have already used to pay off outstanding debts). I understood that episode was repeated this last Wednesday, September 13, but the station here in Detroit which ran Danza's show decided to weasel out of their contract with Disney one week early and replaced it with (GAG! CHOKE!) "Maury Povich." Luckily, I was very smart to have videotaped the episode of Danza's show on which I appeared the day it was originally shown, May 24, so now I have a permanent souvenir of that episode (I hope to make it even more permanent - for posterity - as I plan to have it dubbed onto a DVD before the year is over.)

But, getting back to what Ms. Hella said, "The Tony Danza Show" was a pleasant, as well as entertaining, show; it seemed like the perfect companion piece to "Regis and Kelly." Sadly, now that Danza's show is over for good, there will probably be more clones of Springer, Povich, et. al., ad nauseum, which I'm certainly not looking forward to.

So, Tony Danza, goodbye for the time being, and good luck. Hope you'll come back to daytime TV soon, or TV in general. And thanks again for the prize!
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