Yet another Romanian film about the communist era (pretty good one, though)
16 September 2006
How many times do i have to walk into a Bucharest theater and find that Romanian directors have nothing better to do then evoke what happened before 1989, in a wannabe imaginative script that leeches on nostalgia like a tired hooker on a lousy street corner?

Personally, i'm sick as hell with all the communism-was-bad-but-we-made-it-through bulls**t. I'm not saying this is a bad film, poorly written, directed or set up, because it's pretty clear that they went for an accurate depiction, an austere glow on the whole picture. As far as films go, it's an okay flick to see. BUT, PEOPLE, COME ON! When i saw the title, i actually thought to myself "here is something that sounds pretty good, maybe a crazy-imaginative-yet-plausible story, kinda like some french movies i saw recently.." When the first scene erupted onto the screen, with a communist school, communist children, communist teacher, communist floors and all that crap, i was sadly disappointed. Not that the scene wasn't amusing and somewhat metaphorical (but in that shallow, stupid, unmasked, and, i'm sorry to say, typical Romanian directing), but one thought kept with me the entire first half of the movie (until i realized that it was sadly true): Maybe this turns out better, maybe it doesn't just leech on nostalgia, maybe it's more.

I'm sorry folks, it wasn't.

Why can't people get over the past and live in the present? Do German filmmakers make stupid Hitler films? Do the British solely rely on Victorian times nostalgia in their films? Why must we spit and regurgitate the same oh-so-original idea of "communist-regime-was-f***ed-up-but-we-were-fine"? "Filantropica" was an excellent film, dealing with today's problems, today's life, new characters and new happenings. Even crappy Tudor Chirila flicks have more depth, ideas and meaning than this one. I get it, communism sucked! GET THE HELL OVER IT AND START MAKING ORIGINAL FILMS, NOT SCHOOL-REPORT-AUTOPSIES OF LONG-DEAD HORSES AND THEIR HORSESHOES!

I understand the burden these times left us with, i state again that it's an okay-made film, but THIS IS WRONG. 7/10 for the effort, and cause i'm in a good mood.
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