Brilliant Lies?
11 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film was formulated out of a stage play and unfortunately its origins are all too obvious. Though there are some interesting camera and editing devices utilised I do not think that ultimately as a film this piece has worked. And nobody lied brilliantly! None of their scheming was accomplished with panache. The plot is that Suzy (Gia Carides) is claiming $40,000 Aussie dollars from her boss Gary (Anthony LaPaglia) on the grounds of his sexual harassment of her. As to be expected they both give differing versions of what happened and whereas the story according to Gary never really wavers (ie in his opinion he has done nothing amiss)Suzy changes her story nearly every time we hear it. The result being that though I think overall we are supposed to be more sympathetic for the wronged lass, in the event the scene in which Gary is eventually reduced to burying his head in his hands elicits for more sympathy from the viewer. I have to admit by the end of the film I loathed Suzy. I suppose my reaction has to be a good reflection on the part of the actors involved, in particular the two Carides sisters, and Anthony LaPaglia. The story is rather clichéd, though the scene where LaPaglia stands before his so-called victim undoing his flies was unusual, unexpected and more than a little scary. But alas the image was repeated a few times too many so it did lose its punch as the film progressed I fear. One good visual idea does not a brilliant movie make!!
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