House M.D.: No Reason (2006)
Season 2, Episode 24
A spring in his step
10 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A disgruntled individual, played by Elias Koteas of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," shoots House, is himself shot, and they end up as bunk mates in ICU where Koteas gets to play House's conscience. To his amazement, House finds his leg pain gone, but being the suspicious type, he begins to seek an answer. Meanwhile, his team is treating a man whose tongue has swollen to alarming size. House has a delicious bit as he demonstrates robotic surgery on Cameron by tickling her navel and neatly slicing off a button on her shirt. Cameron and House play up the sexual angle to the hilt and clearly, Cameron ain't over the big lug yet. Somewhere along the way, House starts hallucinating and having memory lapses, and finding himself in odd places. What exactly is going on? Could House be climbing Jacob's Ladder? Or wandering through the Carnival of Souls? This second season closer is every bit as good as the first season closer. And that's saying something.
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