Review of The Island

The Island (1998)
trite, banal, and dull
10 September 2006
I had the misfortune of seeing this film recently, and it was perhaps the longest two hours of my life.

The film was plodding, dull, and banal beyond belief. The writing was on a par of what I would expect from a tenth-grade English class, and not an Honors class, either.

The film's direction was laughably bad. At times one can see boom mikes overhead, and at least one scene showed a cast member with a Styrofoam cup of coffee in his hand in the background; clearly he was not supposed to be in the frame. But there he was. That gaffes like these should survive the editing process simply beggars the imagination.

If you get a chance to see "The Island," take it, if you are a fan of MST3K and such things. Otherwise, your time would be better spent organizing your sock drawer, or trying to teach cats to subtract. It is a bad film, one of the worst ever made.
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