"Mrs. Delafield" : Almost Unlike a TV Movie
9 September 2006
I'll clear up two things before I review,Katharine Hepburn made 8 movies for TV and this was her fourth. I said,"Man Upstairs" was the best of her latter day TV films (I meant her final four). I also said,"Iron Petticoat" was the last movie I needed to complete seeing all of her movies (I meant one's from the big studios).

"Mrs. Delafield Wants To Marry" is out of her first four TV movies the best and certainly most memorable and like "Iron Petticoat" I won it off of Ebay. This is not some fluff piece about two older people who meet,fall in love and get married. No,this is a story about second chances in late life,prejudice,ignorance,hypocrisy and even faith.

Briefly,Mrs. Delafield has a near miss after being rushed to the hospital. Her family and friends prepare for the worst but thanks to her doctor,she recovers. (Some of her offspring are not exactly happy about that,for very selfish reasons.)

Harold Gould is the doctor and he brings her home and joins the gathering to welcome her home. This is the simple beginning of their unexpected romance. The neighbors and family are shocked at his constantly coming to see her.

Not just because of the age thing but they dislike the fact that he's Jewish! David Ogeden Stires & Charles Frank (both of MASH)are Delafield's sons who show their prejudices without shame. Her daughter is an alcoholic who has the nerve to judge her own mother. The good doctors children are no better,thinking he's turned his back on his "people". Past the middle of this movie,you'll be rooting for these two to make it to the alter!

There's not just humor here but good simple drama and honesty. For a TV outing,it's message is a very strong one and you have to watch until the end to see if there's a happily ever after or not. Ten stars ladies & gentleman! I can't say more than that,although I certainly could. (END)
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